Just another personal blog

Personal site about programming, java, architecture and etc.

Hello world

Finally the first post. This post was supposed to be written in january/2019 as a new year resolution… no need to say it didn’t work. But everybody knows that “better later than never”, so here we go.

Why am I starting a blog?

Indeed a good question, as this kind of commitment requires a lot of time. Basically, I’m starting it because:

  • Learn about technology
  • Learn how to have a good write skill
  • Show some tips, help somebody

Why helping people is the last one? Shouldn’t it be the first? Yes, it should. But first I will try to start this project and see if I’m able to write on regular bases or not. Also, for now it will be just a personal project in a public blog… no effort to index on google, no ads, no intention go make money. The future? Who knows.

What kind of contents will be posted?

About technology. Only. The posts will depend on the subject, it might be a short post with a tip, a post with a full example on how to resolve a issue, a more elaborated one about a subject that matters.

Some of my main focus are:

  • Java (get better with the language, go deeper in some concepts)
  • Distributed Systems (lear how they work, how to architect a robust one, frameworks)
  • DevSecOps (culture, automation tools)
  • Security (learn about this, code in a security way)
  • Cloud (get used with at least one of the big ones)
  • Different languages/concepts (Vert.x, Go, React programming, functional programming and etc.)


I don’t want to spent time with the platform, at least not right now. I tried to find a easy framework and a simple process to deploy new posts, after all I want to write and not become an expert in frameworks/infrastructure.

After some research, I choose to use Hugo and host on Netlify. Spent a couple of hours, got a minimalist theme and a easy way to deploy the posts. Just write, commit on Github… and it’s done.
