Just another personal blog

Personal site about programming, java, architecture and etc.

  • Mixing technologies - Is it a good idea?

    As any other architecture, Microservices can help in many ways. However, there are some risks and trade offs to think about. One advantage we can read everywhere ([1] [2] [3]): We can create our service in any technology. Yay! “Service 1” will handle thousands of requests per second? Better use Node.js. “Service 2” will use a lot of IO? Better use JavaEE + Microprofile + Reactive. “Service 3” will work in batch?

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  • Hello world

    Finally the first post. This post was supposed to be written in january/2019 as a new year resolution… no need to say it didn’t work. But everybody knows that “better later than never”, so here we go. Why am I starting a blog? Indeed a good question, as this kind of commitment requires a lot of time. Basically, I’m starting it because: Learn about technology Learn how to have a good write skill Show some tips, help somebody Why helping people is the last one?

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